Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Iraq Video

a. What is known as the "Cradle of Civilization"?Iraq
b. Where did these civilizations develop?Tigris&Euphrates
c. Recorded history in Iraq began with what group? Sumerians
d. What did the Mesopotamians build to collect water?dikes,cannals,and channels
e. Name 2 Mesopotamian cities. Ur, Uruk
f. What did crop surpluses do? allowed the population to expand.
g. Who lived at the temple? The King/ The High Priest
h. What was a "ziggurat"? temple
i. What were kings revered as? relatives of the gods on earth.
j. What is "cuneiform"? Sumerian writing form
k. What did they write on their clay tablets? (They kept records of what?) Symbols and kept records of history
l. What was the "Epic of Gilgamesh"? epic poem
m. Describe the "hanging gardens" of Babylon. they were famous throughout the world.
n. Who was King Hammurabi? What was Hammurabi's Code? private proteies and cimes
o. What did Mesopotamia leave a legacy of? law,legacy,enginereing.

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