Friday, December 11, 2009

Redempton Day Assignment (Angelina)

  1. A.D-Anno Domint,D.C-before christ
  2. evolution-a fable process of progressive change dependent on chance and time ,with the origin pf the life on earth
  3. government-is an institution that has both authority and power to control
  4. sovereign-is god has supreme power over all nations,rules and individuals
  5. deluge-after the flood
  6. capital punishment-is ordering the death penalty
  7. postdiluvian-is the post flood
  8. Plain of Shinar-lower mesopotamia
  9. Babel-is a city that is known as Babylon
  10. humanism-the worship of man
  11. nation-is a large group of people who think of themselves as ane and act in history as a single entity
  12. race-is mankind can be divided into several large groups

Indo-European- is a commom language that the Japhetic people spoke


  1. the focus point of history-is the first advent of Jesus Christ to earth ,his incarnation ,birth, life, death,resurrection and ascension

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