Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 9Test....((O.O)) >.>

1. Messiah- annointed one of God
2. Domitian- A Roman emporer.....proclaimed himself as Dominus et deus aka lord of God, he demanded to be worshiped
3. Marcus Aurelius- the forth great persecution, hated christians
4. Irenaeus- Pupil of polycarp
5. Origen- a Christian philosopher and theologian from Alexandria
6. Diocletian - He demanded worship as Jupiter incarnate. Maximian - his co emperor
7. Aristites - presented a lengthy Apology to Antoninus pius which he probably never read
8. Anthanasius - a third great creed
9. Theodosius I - Roman Emperor, declared christianity the only legal faith and state religion of the Roman empire

1. Synagogues - a place of worship where the Jews gathered
2. Gentiles - a non jew proselytes - converts
3. martyr - greek for witness
4. Book of the Revelation- Where the apostle John recorded and received prophetic visions
5. catacombs - where easrly christians were drove to meet
6. Edict of Milian - a law that extended legal protection and recognition to Christians
7. church fathers - preachers and teachers of the gospel
8. apologists - those who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations
9. Monarchianism - denied the doctrine of the Trinity
10. Latin Vulgate - common venacular
11. creeds - i believe r confessions of faith
12. Apostles Creed - developed betweeen the second and fifth centures from the questions asked of new converts Nicene Creed - was adopted by the Council of

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