Friday, October 16, 2009

Pioneer Day

Your Fate Awaits - Its the first century AD where u live in a village in Roman province of Gsllia, which covers a large area of northern Europe.

Gotcha! - The Roman army invaded Gallia. The romans take away the Gauls as their slaves.

Sold! - You are passed on to a slave dealer to be bought or sold.

Oh No! - your new owner wants you to be strong, so they train you. Until you can be trusted with a real weapon you would practice with a wooden sword.

Who's who - You will have to learn how to fight as one particular type of gladiator, otherwise if you lose you die.

Fight - Before the fight you must entertain the crowd by warm up fight, gambling, opponent, advice from the bench, real weapons, music, action, noisy crowd.

Ouch! - A retarius is put up to fight you. And the people get to decide if you live or die.

It's over! - the crowd doesnt like you so they show you no mercy. The other gladiator wins, and a man dressed up as a mythical creature kills you. They rack the sand to show that there were no signs of blood after your body is dragged away.

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