Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter 7 section review

1. Black and Agean. && Ionian. Gulf of Corinth
2. Minoans-&& Crete. Mycenaeans-Greece Trojans-Troyflourished: 2000 and 1100 B.C.
3. Minoans. King Minos at Knossos.
4. Mycenaeans
5. Dorians && Hellenes
6. Homer
7. Iliad:heroic deeds of Ancient Greeks. Odyssey:adventures ofa brave Greek Warrior Odysseus. 8. A polis is a city-state. Surrounded a hilltop, fortress called theAcropolis.
9. Athens, Eretia, and Sparta.
10. 490-476 B.C.
11.Thermopylae:Greeks lost. && Salamis: Persians lost*Salamis: first naval battle
12. This placed an absolute limit on westward expansion in the Persian Empire.
Identify:Hellespont-where the people of Troy lived
Attica-prominent region of Greece
Peloponnesus-prominent region of Greece
Trojan War-1200 BC mycenaeans destroyed the city of Troy
Odysseus-main characted of Homer's Odyssey
Mt. Olympus-where the gods lived
Heros-human characters who played important roles in Homer's poems
Achilles-invincible Greek warrior
Barbarian-people who did not speak
GreekOlympic Games-held every 4th year at Olympia in honor of Zeus
Olympaid-period between the Olympics
Darius I-New Persian king demanded Greeks to sumbit to him
Xerxes I- determined to Conquer Greece. Darius's son
Leonidas-Spartan leader
Themistocles-tricked Xerxes into fighting a naval battle in a narrow strait, between the mainland and the island of Salamis.
Platea-Persians were defeated here.

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