Thursday, September 17, 2009

Part 2 Key Terms

Egytian Tombs- A man spent as much as time preparing his tomb for the afterlife as he did on the affairs of this life. Early Pharaohs built huge stone pyramids to serve as “house of eternity” for their mortal remains.
Great Pyramid of Cheops- One of the wonders of the world. Took 100,000 workers nearly 20 years to construct his pyramid.
King Tut- He was a teenage pharaoh who died at the age of 18. His tomb was filled with exquisite treasures!
Mummification- The preservation of bodies of the dead
30 Dynasties - Ancient Egypt is divided into 30 Dynasties
Old Kingdom- Dynasties 3-6. 3 important monarchs: Cheops, Khafre, Menkaure(built pyramids @ Giza)
Pyramids at Giza- Pyramids built by 3 important monarchs
Great Spinx- Head of a man. Body of a lion. Bears the likeness of Khafre.
Middle Kingdom- 11th Dynasty.
King Mentuhotep I- Established capital at Thebes.
Hyksos- Asiatic warriors. Conquered the Middle Kingdom. They had chariots and horses - Egyptians were easy prey.
Ahmose I- Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.
New Kingdom- 18th-20th Dynasty.
Hatshepsut- May have been Moses mother. She was the only female pharoah
Amenhotep- Thut's son
Later New Kingdom-
Ramses II- Most outstanding Egyptian monarch.
Alexander The Great- A macedonian king who was declared a god
Alexandria- one of the most important cities in the ancient world, named after Alexander the Great; in the western delta of Egypt.
Lighthouse of Alexandria-
one of the (7) ancient wonders of the world; maybe burned.

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