Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Map Game
Tomara: 87 seconds

Madagascar Game
Tomara: No score
Angelina: No score

Our Paragraph:
The Madagascar game waseasy in the begining, but it gradually got harder when you went to the third level. The game was extremely hard if you didnt read the directions at the begining of the game like you were suppose to. Other than the directions I forgot to read the game was pretty fun.

All of Africa
Tomara's Score:No Score given
Angelina's Score: No score

This game was way longer than i thought it was and i saw they had a puzzle you could do instead of the clue game. Did you know they have a mc donalds in Egypt and the burgers there are called a mcflafel i think thats how you spell it. Although, I could be wron about the spelling the game was fun it just took a while to finnish.

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