Thursday, September 17, 2009

Part 1 Terms

Key Term:
Sahara-worlds largest desert
Nile-worlds largest river
Egypt-contry in Africa
Mizraim-one of Ham's sons
Land of Ham-Mizraim
Nomes-small states in Egypt
Pharaohs-srong rulers(kings)
Menes-the first pharaoh of Egypt
"The Gift of the Nile"-Herodotus
Hieroglyphics-Writing System
Book of the Dead-most important Egyptian work
Memphis-known as Nogh in the Hebrew Bible
Thebes-Nothing renains of Thebes except the vast
Necropolis-"City of the Dead"(onr big cemetery)
Pyramid-at the top:Pharaoh/side:Priest and Officials/base:Everybody Else
Monarchy- when a country or nation is under one absolute ruler like a king or queen.
Theocracy- when a country or nation is ruled by a god(under god).
Humanism-They worship man(pharaohs)
Naturelism-They worship foreces of nature
They believed in thousands of Gods and Goddesses

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