Friday, December 11, 2009

Redempton Day Assignment (Angelina)

  1. A.D-Anno Domint,D.C-before christ
  2. evolution-a fable process of progressive change dependent on chance and time ,with the origin pf the life on earth
  3. government-is an institution that has both authority and power to control
  4. sovereign-is god has supreme power over all nations,rules and individuals
  5. deluge-after the flood
  6. capital punishment-is ordering the death penalty
  7. postdiluvian-is the post flood
  8. Plain of Shinar-lower mesopotamia
  9. Babel-is a city that is known as Babylon
  10. humanism-the worship of man
  11. nation-is a large group of people who think of themselves as ane and act in history as a single entity
  12. race-is mankind can be divided into several large groups

Indo-European- is a commom language that the Japhetic people spoke


  1. the focus point of history-is the first advent of Jesus Christ to earth ,his incarnation ,birth, life, death,resurrection and ascension

Chapter 1 Review

AD - Anno Domini
B.C.- Before Christ
Evolution- a fabled process ofprogressive change dependant on change and time
Government- an institution that has both authority and power to control, direct, and to rule in the actions and affairs of others
sovereign- god has supreme power over all nations, rulers, and individuals
Deluge- after the flood
capital punishment- the death penalty
postdiluvian- before the flood
Plain of Shibar- Where Noahs ark rested
Babel-a dcity build by Nimrod
humanism- the worship of man
nation- A large group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a single entity
race-Several large groups mankind can be divided into
Indo-European-a common lang the Japhetic people spoke

1. His incarnation, birth, life, death, resurrection, and asension
2. 1, 600
3. Shem, Ham, and Japheth
4. Nimrod; means rebel
5. the tower of babel
6. noahs sons
7. nations

Chapter Concepts
1. the study of man kind; so we wont repeat our mistakes in the past
2. difference between right and wrong, they could talk and understand; freedom to make choices
3. because history covers human acts of reason, beauty, order, design, and truth as these testify to the fact that man was created in the image of God
4. ancient history, medieval history, modern history
5. ancient history is the begining of the record of history
6. God established civil government by establishing capital punishment
7. because if they killed comeone dont you think they should be pu nished for it to
8. nation...ccame from the tower of babel.....they all dispersed

Chapter 5 Review

Copts-the ancient egyptian
Herodotus-the Father of History
Menes- united the two states and became the first pharoah of all of Egypt
Jean Francois Champollion-translated the Greek of the Rosetts Stone
King Tutankhamen- a teenage pharoah that died at 18
Khufu, Khafre, Mankare- builders of the 3 largest pyramids

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chapter 14 Section Reviews!

section review 1
1. They rebelled and were inflamed by political fanatics and self appointed "prophets" the peasants started making extreme demandsand taking matters into there own hands rather than trusting to let the Gospel bring about change.
2. Charles gave the Lutherans until April 1531 to return to the Roman church or face war; they made the peace of Augsburg which was in 1555.
3. The Counter-Reformation. The Counter-Reformation attempted to produce certain limited changes (mostly in the morals of the clergy) within the Roman Church.
4. Jesuits. Their goal was to form a group of men absolutely dedicated to the pope and the Roman Church.
5. They spread Romanism.

Augsburg Confession- the first Protestant Confession by faith.
Inquisition- virtually destroyed Protestantism in Spain and halted its growth in many other nations.
Ignatius Loyola- a Spanish soldier read about the lifes of pious Roman saints and the life of Christ.
Council of Trent- reaffirmed the traditional Romanist doctrines one by one while specifically denying the Biblical teachings of the Protestant Reformation.

section review 2
1. The Netherlands Austria Spain and Luxembourg
2. he had spain and portugal
3. he was devoted to the pope and the Roman Church
4. King john the III
5. the lang. has changed over time.
6. the low lands make up the Netherlands.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter 13

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? Ancient Britain
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453ad
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? Visigoths
Which name did the Romans give to Spain? Hispania
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: Moors
What does “reconquista” mean? reconquest
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. England, Spain, France Portugal
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site?
Which Germanic tribe named England?
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Caedmon
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? LouisIX
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) clergy, nobles and commoners
Which peninsula is Spain located on? Iberian peninsula
Name 3 Germanic tribes.
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won? France and England; France won

Friday, November 20, 2009

what did Jona Ark Say

they asked if she knewe she was in gods grace, she abnswered, "If I am not may god put me there and if i am may god keep me"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

chapter 13 section review & Identify

1. Henry II; he reestablishs royal authority following the struggles over the thrown
2. John; because he was cruel, selfish and known for his treachery
3. It established many precendents of History
4. Simon de Montfort; 1265
5. Edward I
6. Because Edwards army was nearly annihilated
7. Edward I; bills
8. The house of Commons, the house of lords, and the hundreds year war
9. 1337 - 1453; English wins they won land
10. Richard II; Henry IV deposed him and took the throne
11. Henry VI went insane and the House of York desputed with Lancasters and began the war
12. 1485; henry tudor won and became henry VII

Richard I- the kind who loved the crusades....called the Lion Hearted
Eleanor of Aquitaine - When richard left she maintained the realm, also Richards mother
Constitution- rules for exercise and restraint of governmental power
Henry III- king of England in 1216
Wales- highland region west of england

Monday, November 9, 2009

study guide

study Guide
feudalism- the new system of government arose in Medieval Europe
fief- a piece of land held by one man
lord- permitted another man (called a vassel) to use it in return for promised services
vassal- the man the lord permitted
knight- Those nobles promised to provide the king a xpecific number
chivalry- code of conduct for nobility in knights
heraldry- identification for each family
castle- heavily fortified dwellings built by nobles
joust- two knights fought to knock each other off their horses
tournament- groups of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day
manor- estates that belonged to the nobles
serf- farmers that worked on the manor
Truce of God- the church forbade fighting from Friday of Sunday of each week
Peace of God- Priests denied the sacraments to persons who robbed churches, took a serf's property, of killed a noncombatant during battle
burg- Comunnity of traveling merchants
middle class- Burghers = mid class; between nobility and peasants
trade fair- Merchants from all over;
guild- developed during this time; consists of merchants, artisans, & craftsmen
black death- forms of the bubonic plague (deadly very infectious)
Chaucer- wrote the Caterbury tales
trivium- Grammer, Rhetoric(the art of speaking) logic
quadrivium- Arithemetic, Music, Geometric, Astronomy
scholasticism- theology (Roman catholic style) + Greek philosophy (like Aristotle)
Brethren of the Common Life- Christian group foiunded by Gerhard Groote in 1380
humanism- study of classical languages and classical literature
patron- people who use their own money to support arts
Sistine Chapel- works of Michelangelo....frescos that were painted on the ceiling
Medicis- medici family
Thomas Aquinas- lived 1225 - 1274; spoke slowly called a "dumb ox" but a brilliant mind
William of Ockham- 1285 - 1349; educated at Oxford; said was ultimate authority
John Wycliffe- 1320 - 1384; "Morning star of te Reformation"; Thought pope’s claim of absolute authority over church was wrong;Popular w/ common people;Followers = “Lollards”; Harassed by Roman church leaders during the last years of his lifeMore than 30 years after his death, the pope commanded that Wycliffe’s bones be dug up and burned
John Huss-1369 – 1415
· Follower of Wycliffe
· Roman Church condemned Huss & burned him at the stakeHis followers = “Hussites”
Gerhard Groote- he founded the Brethren of Common Life
Dante-Wrote Divine Comedy (one of the few pieces of medieval literature that is still widely read today)
Petrarch- father of humanism
Bocaccio- wrote the Decameron
· Considered the greatest artist of the renaissance
· Supported by the Medici family
· His famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls of the Sistine Chapel (he spent four years on his back painting gigantic scenes on the ceiling)Also well known for marble statues
Flanders- primary center for trade of wool
Machiavelli- wrote the Prince
Giotto- one of the famous artists of the Renaissance
· AKA “Renaissance Man” (one who displays talents in all fields)
· Painter
· Sculptor
· Musician
· Inventor
· Engineer
· Best remembered for the Mono Lisa and The Last Supper
· Oldest German university
· Founded 1348

Monday, November 2, 2009

chapter 12

Section Review 1
1.) based upon the ownership and use of land
2.) A lord - a person who permitted another man A vessel - a man who used it in return for certain promised services
3.) A castle was difficult to attack. Devices had to be used that could hurl stones and arrows and other projectiles over the high wall
4.) Jousts, Tournaments, Falconry, Minstrels
5.) The farmers of the manors, the nobles were richer than that of the peasants
6.) Truce of God , and Peace of God
Feudalism - The new system of government arose in Medieval Europe
King - at the top of feudal system in each Western European kingdom
crown land - parts of the land
Knight - those nobles promised to provide the king a specific number

Friday, October 30, 2009

chapter 10 test

1.Justinian I-First great leader of the Byzantine Empire,he became empire in 527AD,hhe was called "Justinian the Great"
3.Theodora-she is Justinian lovely and itellgent wife
5.Leo III-Empire from 717-751AD, and said all images and painting in churches should be destroyed
10.Ottomen Turks-the were a new group of Turks that began pouring into Asia Minor during the 14th century
1.Byzantium,Constantinople-Byzantium Empire was invaded between 565 and 867 AD
3.Hagia Sophia-

Chapter 9Test....((O.O)) >.>

1. Messiah- annointed one of God
2. Domitian- A Roman emporer.....proclaimed himself as Dominus et deus aka lord of God, he demanded to be worshiped
3. Marcus Aurelius- the forth great persecution, hated christians
4. Irenaeus- Pupil of polycarp
5. Origen- a Christian philosopher and theologian from Alexandria
6. Diocletian - He demanded worship as Jupiter incarnate. Maximian - his co emperor
7. Aristites - presented a lengthy Apology to Antoninus pius which he probably never read
8. Anthanasius - a third great creed
9. Theodosius I - Roman Emperor, declared christianity the only legal faith and state religion of the Roman empire

1. Synagogues - a place of worship where the Jews gathered
2. Gentiles - a non jew proselytes - converts
3. martyr - greek for witness
4. Book of the Revelation- Where the apostle John recorded and received prophetic visions
5. catacombs - where easrly christians were drove to meet
6. Edict of Milian - a law that extended legal protection and recognition to Christians
7. church fathers - preachers and teachers of the gospel
8. apologists - those who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations
9. Monarchianism - denied the doctrine of the Trinity
10. Latin Vulgate - common venacular
11. creeds - i believe r confessions of faith
12. Apostles Creed - developed betweeen the second and fifth centures from the questions asked of new converts Nicene Creed - was adopted by the Council of

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Japan Looks back on 17th Century persecutions
They killed tens of thousands of christians after they were tortured in the 1700's. During this time the Japan rulers were trying to unify the country. They also killed about 400,000 Catholics who didnt deny there faith.

Monday, October 26, 2009


What does "restricted nations" refer to? it refers to nations that dont have as much freedom as everyone else.
Where are most restricted nations? Asia and South America
Vom is the Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational Christian organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide.

Vom offices are in Brazil, South Africa, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, United States, Canada, Brazil, Peru, and etc...

You can help by volenteering or helping Vom missions.

Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and Sabina (Oster) Wurmbrand founded Vom.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chapter 9 Section Review 1 & Identify

1. Christ was sent into a world in which the good news of the Gospel sould travel quickly; Men could travel over millions of square miles of land or water without fear of passing through a "foreign" enemy country.
2. Herod the Great
3. The twelve apostles
4. A.D. 100
5. The early church was a stark contrast between the pratical godliness and moral debauched manners and morals of their pagan neighbors.

Synagogues-local places of worship
Gentiles - Non Jews
Proselytes - People who converted from a Jew to a Non Jew or vise versa
Messiah- The Anointed one of God
Church- Local assemblies or bodies of believers

Papyrus Fragments

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pioneer Day

Your Fate Awaits - Its the first century AD where u live in a village in Roman province of Gsllia, which covers a large area of northern Europe.

Gotcha! - The Roman army invaded Gallia. The romans take away the Gauls as their slaves.

Sold! - You are passed on to a slave dealer to be bought or sold.

Oh No! - your new owner wants you to be strong, so they train you. Until you can be trusted with a real weapon you would practice with a wooden sword.

Who's who - You will have to learn how to fight as one particular type of gladiator, otherwise if you lose you die.

Fight - Before the fight you must entertain the crowd by warm up fight, gambling, opponent, advice from the bench, real weapons, music, action, noisy crowd.

Ouch! - A retarius is put up to fight you. And the people get to decide if you live or die.

It's over! - the crowd doesnt like you so they show you no mercy. The other gladiator wins, and a man dressed up as a mythical creature kills you. They rack the sand to show that there were no signs of blood after your body is dragged away.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Charter 7 Reveiwe

  • minos:he was a british archaeologist that uncovered the palace of the legendary king moinos at knossos
  • dorians: they were barbarians
  • ionians:they were the Mycenaeans that escaped to Asia Minor and Attica
  • hellenes:they were the Greeks of classical times who made such great contributions to Western civilization
  • homer:he was a single poet that had great influence on thinking of people
  • odyesseus:he was known as a brave Greek warrior
  • hesiod:he was a later poet
  • zeus:the chief and father of the gods
  • Achilles:was the invincible greek warrior
  • darius I:he was the new Persian King
  • xerxes:the son of Darius
  • leonidas:he was the Spartan leader
  • themistocles:he was a brilliant Athenian
  • herodotus:
  • draco:he prepared a code of law
  • solon:he was elected archon
  • peistratus:he was a nobleman aspiring to office
  • cleisthenes:he was the new champion of the commmon people
  • pericles:he was a statesman that bought Athenian democracy to its fullest
  • philip II:he became the King of Macedonia
  • demosthenes:he was a famous Athenian orator and statesman
  • Alexander the Great:he was the young Macedonian King
  • protagoras:he was a Greek Philosopher
  • thucydides:
  • sophocles,aristophanes
  • aesop
  • sophist,relativists
  • socrates
  • plato
  • aristotle
  • galen
  • archimedes

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

chapter 7 section reviw 3

1. Philip II && Hellenic League. Conquest of the Persian Empire.
2. 334 B.C.
3. 35,000 Greek and Macedonian soldiers. && No more empires to
conquer && fever or poison

4. The dissemination of Greek Culture and he helped the world for the
coming of Jesus Christ.
5. Ptolemies: Egypt
Seleucids:Syria, Mesopotamia and Persia
Antigonids: Macedonia and Greece

Macedonia:northern fringes of Ancient Greece
Demothenes: he urged his fellow Greeks to go against
Alexander the Great: assumed the Macedonian throne
Alexandria: western delta of Egypt.
Ipsus:the empire was divided among four generals, who declared
themselves kings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 section review

review 2
1. monarchy, council of elders, assembly
2. aristocracy means ruled by the best, oligarthy means ruled by few
3. The poor ruled
4. Spartan gov't-monarchy/ aristocracy/oligarthy/tyranny
5. Solon repealed the harsh edicts of Draco. Solon's were
better. && It was merciful.
6. Pericles && dominated Athens from 461 to 429 B.C. && Golden Age of Greece.
7. It met on the island of Delos. Delian League became and Athenian Empire.
8. Greece was split in two. Sparta's supremacy was short lived. Thebes delievered a decisive defeat to Sparta. Greek city states became independent again. Dates: 421 B.C. to 415 B.C. to 404 B.C.

helots: slaves
Peloponessian League:an alliance with Corinth, Megara, and other cities in Peloponnesus.
Court of Areopagus: wealthiest Athenians could serve as archons.
Peisistratus: a noble man aspiring to office.
Cleisthenes: new champion of the common people.
ostracism: citizend could vote to banish any person they considered dangerous of ten years.
representative democracy: a few man were elected to represent the citizens in gov.
direct democracy: citizens made decisions.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient life of Greece

Ancient Greece:

Family Life:
Men ran the government, and spent a great deal of their time away from home. With the exception of ancient Sparta, Greek women had very limited freedom outside the home. The ancient Greeks considered their children to be 'youths' until they reached the age of 30! When a child was born to ancient Greek family, a naked father carried his child, in a ritual dance, around the household.

My mother always said
that in her youth she was
exceedingly in fashion
wearing a purple ribbon
looped in her hair.
But the girl whose hair is yellower
than torchlight need wear no
colorful ribbons from Sardis--
but a garland of fresh flowers.

The Greek diet consisted of foods that were easily raised in the rocky terrain of Greece’s landscape. Breakfast was eaten just after sunrise and consisted of bread dipped in wine. Lunch was again bread dipped in wine along with some olives, figs, cheese or dried fish.

Sports played a large role in ancient Greek entertainment. To this end, the modern Olympics were founded during the time. Any real comparison, however, ends there. Unlike modern times, the ancient Olympics were mostly about showing up and/or killing rivals as political statements.

One of the greatest military geniuses in history, Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, Macedonia. The son of Philip of Macedon, who was an excellent Army General and organizer. His mother was Olympias, princess of Epirus.


Aristotle divided Greek governments into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies, and most historians still use these same divisions. For the most part, Greece began by having monarchies, then oligarchies, then tyrannies and then democracies, but at each period there were plenty of city-states using a different system, and there were many which never did become democracies or tyrannies at all.

Social Life:

Greece in the Archaic Period was made up from independent states, called Polis, or city state. The polis of Athens included about 2,500 sq kilometres of territory, but other Polis with smaller areas of 250 sq kilometres.


Children in most of ancient Greece started their education at age seven. In Sparta, boys were given military training from ages seven to twenty to prepare them for service in the army. Girls also were required to train physically. They believed strong women produced strong babies.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter 7 section review

1. Black and Agean. && Ionian. Gulf of Corinth
2. Minoans-&& Crete. Mycenaeans-Greece Trojans-Troyflourished: 2000 and 1100 B.C.
3. Minoans. King Minos at Knossos.
4. Mycenaeans
5. Dorians && Hellenes
6. Homer
7. Iliad:heroic deeds of Ancient Greeks. Odyssey:adventures ofa brave Greek Warrior Odysseus. 8. A polis is a city-state. Surrounded a hilltop, fortress called theAcropolis.
9. Athens, Eretia, and Sparta.
10. 490-476 B.C.
11.Thermopylae:Greeks lost. && Salamis: Persians lost*Salamis: first naval battle
12. This placed an absolute limit on westward expansion in the Persian Empire.
Identify:Hellespont-where the people of Troy lived
Attica-prominent region of Greece
Peloponnesus-prominent region of Greece
Trojan War-1200 BC mycenaeans destroyed the city of Troy
Odysseus-main characted of Homer's Odyssey
Mt. Olympus-where the gods lived
Heros-human characters who played important roles in Homer's poems
Achilles-invincible Greek warrior
Barbarian-people who did not speak
GreekOlympic Games-held every 4th year at Olympia in honor of Zeus
Olympaid-period between the Olympics
Darius I-New Persian king demanded Greeks to sumbit to him
Xerxes I- determined to Conquer Greece. Darius's son
Leonidas-Spartan leader
Themistocles-tricked Xerxes into fighting a naval battle in a narrow strait, between the mainland and the island of Salamis.
Platea-Persians were defeated here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Games or other Stuff about Greece

Angelina: 6/6
Tomara: 6/6

Angelina: 6 correct
Tomara: 7 correct

Sparta Quiz
Tomara: 5 correct
Angelina: 5 correct

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Study Guide

African Landscape
Deserts -
2/5 of African continent is covered with desert
Sahara –
in North Africa
Kalahari –
in South Africa
Savanna -
Vast tracts of land characterized by wet seasons and dry seasons.
Covered by grasses and shrubs.
Atlas Mountain Range –
Africa’s longest mountain range
Mt. Kilimanjaro –
Africa's tallest mountain
Nile –
Longest River
Lake Victoria –
Africa’s largest lake
Great Rift Valley -
Largest rift in the Earth’s surface
African History
Began after the Flood
Ebed Melech -
Helped prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah
Unnamed Ethiopian -
Most famous Cushite in World History!
Treasurer for Queen Candace of Cush.
Philip led this treasurer to Christ.
Edesius and Frumentius -
Circa 300 AD, these 2 were shipwrecked and taken to Ethiopia as slaves.
Preached the Gospel there.
Credited with bringing Christianity to Africa.
Early Christianity in Africa
Alexandria, Egypt -
Home to Clement of Alexandria (150-215) and Origen (185-254)
Carthage, Tunisia -
City of early church fathers Tertullian(160-230) and Cyprian (200-248)
Both were martyred

Simon of Cyrene -
Carried the CROSS for Jesus
Clement of Alexandria -
Note: Clement’s hymn, “Shepherd of Tender Youth”, is the oldest surviving Christian hymn
African Trade
Sea Trade -
As early as 1500 BC, Africans were trading with Asians
Africa provided: Iron, Ivory, and Gold
Asians provided: Porcelain, Precious Stones, and Silk

Inland Trade -
Between 300 and 1200 AD, Ghana was trading with Middle East Arabs
Ghana provided: Gold, Ivory, and Slaves
Middle East Provided: Salt, Copper, and Dried Fruits

Mali Empire -
Lasted from 1200-1500AD
Modern day Gambia, Guinea, Mali & Senegal

Timbuktu -
Important trading center for Mali Empire
Famous center for learning & culture

Songhai Empire -
Dominated West Africa in 1500s
Monopolized trade across the Sahara
Exploration & Missions
"The White Man's Grave"
Name for Africa during the 19th century(1800s)
Explores in Africa faced many obstacles:
Intense heat
Malaria Sleeping
Yellow fever

Mungo Park -
Explored Africa from 1805-1806
Traced most of the Niger River

Hugh Clapperton -
Explored Africa from 1822-1824
First European to cross the Sahara Desert

Alexander Laing -
Explored Africa from 1825-1826
First European to reach Timbuktu

Robert Moffatt -
Explored Africa from 1795-1883
One of the first missionaries to Africa
Moffatt said: “I can see the smoke of a thousand villages where the name of Christ has never been heard”

David Livingstone -
Went to Africa in response to Moffatt’s call for more missionaries
First European to see Victoria Falls, Africa’s largest waterfall
Worked in Africa many years; went missing
American newspaper dispatched a reporter, Henry Stanley, to find him

Africa in Modern Times
European Rule -
By WWI(1914) only 2 African states were independent
Ethiopia and Liberia

Progress - what kind?
1. Law and Order
2. Schools founded
3. Road/Railroads constructed
4. Hospitals established
5. New cities built

1950s and 1960s -
A move toward independence from European rule
Began with GHANA in 1957

General Idi Amin -
Seized power in Uganda
Ruled until 1979
Devout Muslim
Killed and tortured as many as 300,000 people

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What You Think is Going on In The Photos

what we think

Photo 1-peolpe looking at bones the find
Photo 2-kids dressed up
Photo 3 -tours looking at the secenery of Kenya
Photo 4 -a big city
Photo 5 -A big river or lake
Photo 6 -A flag

What the facts are

Photo 1-Archaeoloogists Examine fossils found in northern Kenya
Photo 2-Masai woman reveal personal information with their jewelry.
Photo 3 -A tourist in Kenya's Masai Mara reserve watches two lions.
Photo 4 -
Photo 5 -
Photo 6 -

Facts and Photos

a. Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape. Kenya's savanna is familliar from movies, TV shows, books, and commercials Its the landscape many people imagine when they think of Africa.
b. Where is Kenya? What's the capital? Kenya is located in East Africa; Nairobi
c. What lies WEST of Nairobi? The Great Rift valley
d. Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them? Elephants, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, hippos, rhinos, and more; the gov't has more thn 50 reserves and parks to protect the animals
e. What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture there? Between the Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria; This has created a diverse culture with many ethnic groups and languages
f. Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania? this may have been the original birthplace of humans
g. Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s. In the 1600s and 1700s, many Kenyans were kidnapped and taken as slaves; In the 1800s slavery was outlawed
h. How many languages/ethnic groups are there? 60 languages and more than 40 ethnic groups
i. Tell me about the kids & school. school is free in Kenya, but many children are too busy to go to classes
j. What are some important parts of Kenyan culture? Music and story telling
k. What's the current government of Kenya like? It has been a republic since its independance
l. Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages? official name is republic of kenya; Republic; 33,830,000; Swahili, English
m. Money? Mountain Ranges? Major rivers? Kenyan shilling, Aberdare Range, Mau Escarpment

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Map Game
Tomara: 87 seconds

Madagascar Game
Tomara: No score
Angelina: No score

Our Paragraph:
The Madagascar game waseasy in the begining, but it gradually got harder when you went to the third level. The game was extremely hard if you didnt read the directions at the begining of the game like you were suppose to. Other than the directions I forgot to read the game was pretty fun.

All of Africa
Tomara's Score:No Score given
Angelina's Score: No score

This game was way longer than i thought it was and i saw they had a puzzle you could do instead of the clue game. Did you know they have a mc donalds in Egypt and the burgers there are called a mcflafel i think thats how you spell it. Although, I could be wron about the spelling the game was fun it just took a while to finnish.

Monday, September 21, 2009


anggelina: 365

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Mummy Game

This game was okay i guess i almost died on 2 questions. For the most part it was fun i guess if you played the other games earlier and did the other blog work then you shouldn't have had any problems with it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Chapter 5.1 (Egypt)

Second largest continent
Home of the world’s largest desert- Sahara
Home of the world’s largest river – The Nile
In northeast corner of Africa
Called “the seedbed of African culture”
Most ancient name of Egypt
Name of one of Ham’s son
Genesis 10:6
Bible calls Egypt the Land of Ham
Early on, Egypt consist of a number of small states called nomes
Pharaohs = strong rulers
Divided nomes into:
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt
The first Pharaoh of Egypt
United Upper and Lower Egypt
Egypt became known as: “Kingdom of the Two Lands”
The Nile River
The longest river in the world
Greek Father of History
Lived 485-425BC
Called Egypt: ”The Gift of The Nile”
The Nile Delta
At the mouth of the Nile

Chapter 5.2 (Egypt)
Language and Literature
Writing system: Hieroglyphics
Contains over 700 characters
The Book of the Dead
Most important Egyptian work
Contained prayers, hymns, spells, and other information to guide souls through the afterlife
Placed in tombs
Important Egyptian Cities
Memphis (12 miles south of Cairo)
Thebes (450 miles south of Cairo)
Known as Noph in the Hebrew Bible
Nothing remains of the city except 2 granite colossi and one alabaster sphinx
ü Nothing remains of Thebes except the vast necropolis
ü Means “City of the Dead” (one big cemetery)
ü The pyramid best symbolizes Egyptian government
ü At top: Pharaoh
ü Sides: Priests and officials
ü Base: Everyone else

ü Ancient Egypt was an absolute monarchy and a theocracy dominated by the “god-king” Pharaoh

5.3 (Egypt)

Egyptian Religion
ü Humanistic
ü Naturalistic
ü Polytheistic
ü They worshiped man (Pharaoh)
ü They worshiped nature
ü They believed in thousands of Gods and goddesses
Egyptian Tombs
ü A man spent as much as time preparing his tomb for the afterlife as he did on the affairs of this life
ü Early Pharaohs built huge stone pyramids to serve as “house of eternity” for their mortal remains
Great Pyramid of Cheops
ü One of the wonders of the world
ü Took 100,000 workers nearly 20 years to construct his pyramid
Cheops Pyramid
ü Once finished, it:
ü Covered 13 acres
ü Contained 2.3 million blocks of stone!
ü Was 480 feet high!

Tomb of Tutankhamen
ü One of the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries
Howard Carter (archaeologist)
ü Discovered tomb in 1922
ü He was a teenage pharaoh who died at the age of 18
ü His tomb was filled with exquisite treasures!
What is mummification?

ü The preservation of bodies of the dead
ü Huge tombs and pyramids were used as caskets

Part 2 Key Terms

Egytian Tombs- A man spent as much as time preparing his tomb for the afterlife as he did on the affairs of this life. Early Pharaohs built huge stone pyramids to serve as “house of eternity” for their mortal remains.
Great Pyramid of Cheops- One of the wonders of the world. Took 100,000 workers nearly 20 years to construct his pyramid.
King Tut- He was a teenage pharaoh who died at the age of 18. His tomb was filled with exquisite treasures!
Mummification- The preservation of bodies of the dead
30 Dynasties - Ancient Egypt is divided into 30 Dynasties
Old Kingdom- Dynasties 3-6. 3 important monarchs: Cheops, Khafre, Menkaure(built pyramids @ Giza)
Pyramids at Giza- Pyramids built by 3 important monarchs
Great Spinx- Head of a man. Body of a lion. Bears the likeness of Khafre.
Middle Kingdom- 11th Dynasty.
King Mentuhotep I- Established capital at Thebes.
Hyksos- Asiatic warriors. Conquered the Middle Kingdom. They had chariots and horses - Egyptians were easy prey.
Ahmose I- Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.
New Kingdom- 18th-20th Dynasty.
Hatshepsut- May have been Moses mother. She was the only female pharoah
Amenhotep- Thut's son
Later New Kingdom-
Ramses II- Most outstanding Egyptian monarch.
Alexander The Great- A macedonian king who was declared a god
Alexandria- one of the most important cities in the ancient world, named after Alexander the Great; in the western delta of Egypt.
Lighthouse of Alexandria-
one of the (7) ancient wonders of the world; maybe burned.

Part 1 Terms

Key Term:
Sahara-worlds largest desert
Nile-worlds largest river
Egypt-contry in Africa
Mizraim-one of Ham's sons
Land of Ham-Mizraim
Nomes-small states in Egypt
Pharaohs-srong rulers(kings)
Menes-the first pharaoh of Egypt
"The Gift of the Nile"-Herodotus
Hieroglyphics-Writing System
Book of the Dead-most important Egyptian work
Memphis-known as Nogh in the Hebrew Bible
Thebes-Nothing renains of Thebes except the vast
Necropolis-"City of the Dead"(onr big cemetery)
Pyramid-at the top:Pharaoh/side:Priest and Officials/base:Everybody Else
Monarchy- when a country or nation is under one absolute ruler like a king or queen.
Theocracy- when a country or nation is ruled by a god(under god).
Humanism-They worship man(pharaohs)
Naturelism-They worship foreces of nature
They believed in thousands of Gods and Goddesses

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a. What do Nile crocodiles resemble? What do they feed on? armored tanks with huge teeth filled mouths; insects and small fish
b. How does the male croc get the female croc's attention? He bellows and splashes, slapping his snout on the water to get her attention
c. Where does the female lay her eggs? in a suitable area
d. How many eggs does she deposit? Does she watch them? 25-80; keeps constan guard
e. How do the mom & dad croc know when the baby crocs are ready to hatch? the young croc sends out high pitched sounds
f. Where does mom bring them once they hatch? she carries them to the water

g. How do crocs control their temperature? they bask in the sun durring the day
h. What's the scientific name for crocodile? How long can they grow? Crocodylus niloticus; to 20 feet
i. How long can they live? What kind of feet do they have? 45 years in the wild 80 in captivity; webbed feet
j. Where do Nile crocs live? Africa
k. How can you tell an alligator from a crocodile?
By looking at its snout
l. What do crocs use their tails for? they use them to propel their selves to the water
m. What do crocs eat? (mammals) baboons, impala, hyenas, and wildebeest
n. What type of huge prey do crocs kill? young hippos, giraffes, lions, buffalo, and rare occasions, humans
o. Tell me about a croc's brain. They have the most highly developed brain of all the reptiles
p. How do stones aid in digestion for crocs?
They help the crocs sigest their food

National Geographic Pictures(Egypt)

Photo 1- Boat
Photo 2- they are in a Market
Photo 3 - A camel with colorful accessories
Photo 4 - A Big city with business buildings
Photo 5 - Women getting water from the river
Photo 6 -
Their Flag
[For All of these pictures we basically thought the same thing for each one]
Photo 1 - Large ships steam through the Suez Canal in Egypt
Photo 2 - Shopppers walk through an open air market in Luxor Egypt
Photo 3 - A camel stands near the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt
Photo 4 - Crowded Cairo, Egypt, has more than 18 million people
Photo 5 - Women filling their jugs from water from the Nile river
Photo 6 -
Egyptian Flag

Egypt Country Facts

a. Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River. Without the nile river all of egypt would be desert.
b. Egypt is divided into what 2 sections? Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
c. Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt. Southern Egypt's landscape contains low mountains and desert. Nouthern Egypt has wide valleys in the Nile and the desert.
d. Egypt is home to which animals? Which plants? Cheetahs hiyenas crocodiles and cobras;
e. What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of? elephants, hippos, leopards and cheetahs.
f. Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there? 3000 B.C.; 8000 years ago
g. When did Lower & Upper Egypt unite? 3100 B.C.
h. When did Egypt fall under Roman control? When did Muslims take over Egypt? 31 B.C.; A.D.640
i. Who invaded Egypt in 1882? What did they want? When did Egypt declare independence? British; They wanted control of the Suez, Canal; 1952
j. 90 percent of Egyptians are what religion? Muslim
k. Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today? they have so many people in such a small area
l. Why are children highly valued in their culture? they are expected to look after their parents in their old age and they are needed on family farms
m. What type of gov't is Egypt today? Democratic Republic
n. What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is? tourism; because it brings in alot of money
o. What is the official name of Egypt? Arab Republic of Egypt
p. What is the capital of Egypt? Cairo
q. What is the population/official language of Egypt?
r. What's the currency in Egypt? (Money)
Egyptian pound, guinay

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


a. "Introduction" - Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries? What did the people believe Pharaoh was? How did they "achieve immortality"? thirty centuries;A living God so it was very important to keep him happy; to preserve the body of a person once they had died, wrap them up in bandages.
b. "Dead" - What was embalming? Who did the embalming? What role did linen, your body, the priest, natron salt, canopic jars, tools, and oils play in the embalming process? embalming is preparing you for eternal life; a man who practices the art of embalming; linen=badages, your body= this is requered and priests and assistants, the priest= act as a cheif embalmer, natron salt= used to dry out your body once organs are removed, canopic jars= used to store your organs, tools= used to clean out your body and remove certain organs, oils= makes your skin smoove and sweet smelling.
c. "Organs Removed" - Which organs were removed? What did they do with them? liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines; they were stored in the canopic jars
d. "Get Stuffed" - What does "Get Stuffed" refer to? What did they stuff you with? After forty days in natron your body is completely dried out. Your skin is shrivelled and wrinkled and you look like a piece of old leather; mud, sawdust, rags, and chaff
e. "Tomb Bound" - What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb? What was involved in bandaging the body? What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich? They wrapped your body; 20 layers of linen badages; amulets, finger and toe stalls, a portrait mask.
f. "Coffins Etc" - Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins. What went in the coffins with the body? What went in the tomb with the coffin? you will have 3 coffins stuffed inside one of another; Pictures of the gods and correct spelling painting on them to protect you; food clothes furniture tools, pleasures jewelry and excesorys your pets a good read regular replies etc....
g. "Your Funeral" - What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like? Tell me about the procession. After seventy days you will be barried on the western side of the river, where the sun sets. your coffin is taken there by boat and is then placed on a sledge and pulled o your tomb; the procession= bearers carry food offerings and akll the objects you will need in the afterlife.
h. "Eternal Rest" - Tell me about tomb raiders. What do they do and what do they want?
they want the money the glass the gold jewelry and the Frankincense and Myrrh

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review 3

1. The Old Kingdom, the New Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom
2. Khufu(Cheops), Khafre, Menkaure; 3 largest pyramids at Giza were built, The great sphinx was built by khafre
3. King mentuhotep I
4. Ahmose I
5. Hatshepsut
6. because Egypt reestablished its empire in Asia during this period
7. He became Egypt's first president, he was determined to advance Egypt's interests at costs.
8.Anwar elSadat, he established the unmentionable by personally negotiatingg with Israel's prime minister, Menachem Begin.

Chapter Review 5

1. Africa, Nile River
2. Meditteranian Sea north, Sahara Desert West, Red Sea east
3. Mizraim
4. Cultural Diffusion
5. Nomes
6. Mostly near the Nile River
7. It was the greatest power of the ancient world
8. Without the Nile River, Egypt would be a wasteland
9. consisted of 24 alphabetic symbols for consonants and semiconsonants; Jean Francoius Champollian
10. Memphis and Thebes
11. necropolis, because it just does! :]
12. They were humanistic, naturalistic, and polytheisticin their religious faith.


Walk The Plank
Tomara's Score: 9\10 90%
Angelina's Score:9\10 90%

Modern china
Tomaras Score: 7/10 70%
Angelina Score:8/10 80%

Friday, September 11, 2009

Egyptian Quiz1
Tomara's Score:6\12
Angelina's Score:10\12

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Egyptian Store Game

Tomara Score:84
Angelina Score:76

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

a. What is a "stela"? It tells you what sort of person is in the tomb
b. What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use? hieroglyphs
c. Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell? priest
d. Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find? dog statues
e. What do the statues represent? Anubus, the god of the cemetery
f. Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians. They were often shown with human bodies and animal heads
g. What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them? They held preserven organs from a dead person; Intestines, Liver, Lungs, Stomach
h. What is the coffin made of?
Wood coated with plaster and painted with heiroglyphs, which ask for offering on half of the dead person's spirit.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Review Questions

From 3.1-
What was the first empire to rule after Sumer?
Who was Hammurabi?
What is the Babylonian Genesis/Enuma Elish?
Who were the Hittites? Why are they important?"

Friday, September 4, 2009


Step Back In Time

Tomaranisha Score: 1st Lvl

Angelina Score: 1st Lvl


a. What is SUMO? In sumo, two people who are wearing nothing but a mawashi (loincloth), face each other in a dohyo (circular ring) and push, grapple, and try to throw each other. The one who forces his opponent to the ground or pushes him out of the ring is the winner.
b. How do wrestlers win at SUMO?The one who forces his opponent to the ground or pushes him out of the ring is the winner.
c. When did SUMO start?1603-1868
d. What's a day in the life of a SUMO wrestler like?Every sumo wrestler belongs to a stable, which is where they live while they are young. A stable is managed by a stable master, a retired wrestler who was a good wrestler in his prime.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

World Exploration

No Score.

This game was hard in some ways, but easy because of the map that was givin for us to study. The end of the game was the best part.


No Score.

This game was not as easy as it seems, but it was challeging, but it wasn't the best game we played it could of been better.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Japan Games

Whats on the photo?

Tomaranisha Score:6/10

Angelina Score:6/10

Gesture Game

Tomara's Score:4/4

Angelina's Score:4/4

Hiragana Picture Matching Game

Tomaranisha Score:5\5

Angelina Score:5\5

Japanese Celebrations

Tomara Score:5\5

Angelina Score:5\5

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Section Review

1. Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, Hwang Ho, Mesopotamia, India, China
2. nearly 1/3 of the earths land, over 3 billion people
3. Its bordered by mountains to the north and by the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal to the west, The Himilayan mountain System, Northern plains, Deccan Plateau
4. Hinduism and the caste system, Hinduism is the observance of caste
5. Mauryas
6. Siddhartha Gautama
7. Guptas
8. Mongul Empire
9. The British East india Company
10.William Carey
11.Translation of the Bible ; encouraged Indian education,; helped improve their Agricultural methods
12.Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru; 1974
13.Indara Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi
14.Place value and decimal numeral system, Arabic numerals , Algebra,
Damascene steel .

Monday, August 31, 2009

More Games

World Capitol
Tomara's Score: 9500
Angelina's Score:12900
Asia Map Game:
Tomara's:128 Seconds
Angelina's:210 Seconds

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Paragraph on Game...

I learned that the Indus Valley civilization existed in between the years 2600 BC-1900BC. I've also learned that archaeologists have found over 2000 settlements. I've also learned that the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley is called Mohenjo Daro.
Over in the Indus valley I have learned that the wells they have were nothing like I pictured they would be. I have also found out that they have a very wierd draining system, by pictures in the game that were shown. This game has been the longest game I have ever played so far, but it was pretty fun.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Game Questions

1. When did the Indus Valley civilization exist? 2600 BC-1900 BC
2. What countries did this civilization spread across?
India, Pakistan, and parts of Afghanistan
3. How many settlements have archaeologists discovered?over 2000
4. Which city may have been an important port city?
5. Which city was excavated by archaeologists in 1920?
6. What does “Mohenjo-Daro” mean?
Mound of the dead
7. Which is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley?
Mohenjo Daro
8. What type of photographs do archaeologists usually take?
areal photographs
9. What’s significant about “First Street”?
its the longest widest street in Mohenjo Daro
10. What were bricks used for there?
foundations, lowetr walls, large buildings, drains and wells
11. Did their houses have drains?
12. What were the wells used for?
drinking water
13. What were the narrow drains used for?
drain water with waste out of the city
14. What artifacts did you find using the “Excavation Map”?statue, terracota tablet, necklace,figurine, weights, model cart, seal, and a metal plate
15. Finish playing the game. Each person in yo
ur group should


Where is the Taj Mahal? India
When was it built? 1630
Who built it? Emperor Shah Jahan
Why was it built? He built it for his favorite wife
What materials is it constructed from?
bearing masonry, inlaid marble

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hoppy Through History
Tomara's score: 5 right

Angelina's score: 60 right

Kiana Orca Preserve
Tomara's score: 35 Correct 11 Incorrect

Angelina's score:5 Correct 0 Incorrect

History Galactica
Tomara's Score:7 Correct 0 Incorrect
Angelina's Score:6 Correct 0 Incorrect

Brick Busters History Game
Tomara's Score: 52 Correct 7 Incorrect

Angelina's Score: 31 Correct 2 Incorrect

Section Review 2

1. Canaan, Palestine, Israel, Christianity, Judism, Islam
2. Judah, Israel
3. The fertile land

4. The Ten Comandments
5. He promised that he would be a God to the decendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

6. phoenicians
7. David & Soloman, The long reign was full of peace
8. The Kingdom Split up
9. A.D. 70

Monday, August 24, 2009

section review 1(answers)

1.Place Value Notation
2.Law and Government
4.The Assyrian Kings Shalmaneser v Sargon2
5.The Ashurbanipal, Nineveh
6.Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar, 586 B.C
7.Cyrus the Great, he Issued a Remarkable Decree
8.Darius I, Xerxes 1, Darius 1
9.Ahasuerus, Artaxerxes I

Friday, August 21, 2009


Iraq Photos

Photo 1:at first i thought the person in the from was a dolphin but then i looked closer and saw it was pants
Photo 2: Beekepers
Photo 3:A big temple
Photo 4:The lady is weird because she has a purple thumb
Photo 5:Shops with alot of people

Geospy game

Tomara's Score
4/7 right

history 101

Modern Racing.
Most of the dogs participating in organized competition are male or female greyhounds, although races between whippets and between salukis are also held. The racing greyhound, a slender, graceful animal weighing about 29 kg (about 65 lb), is in its prime at approximately the age of three; however, it actively competes between the ages of one and five. It can attain speeds of up to 64 km/hr (40 mph). The price of a trained racing greyhound depends on its record in competition. During its racing life an outstanding greyhound may earn up to $200,000 in purses and breeding fees.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

October 10th(angelina's b-day)

Cornelius Crane Chase, later known as Chevy Chase, is born in New York City. Chase began writing material for comedians in Los Angeles in the early 1970s. After meeting Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels while standing in line for a movie, Chase landed a job writing and acting for the program. After a year, he left the show to launch a movie career. His films include Caddyshack (1980), National Lampoon's Vacation (1983), and Fletch (1985).

May 9th(tomaras b-day)

On May 9, 1973, Johnny Bench, All-Star catcher for the Cincinnati Reds, hits three home runs in one game off All-Star pitcher Steve Carlton of the Philadelphia Phillies. As Bench had homered in his previous at-bat the game before as well, this gave him four home runs in four consecutive trips to the plate.

What happened on the 20th of August?

On this day in 1911, a dispatcher in the New York Times office sends the first telegram around the world via commercial service. Exactly 66 years later, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sends a different kind of message--a phonograph record containing information about Earth for extraterrestrial beings--shooting into space aboard the unmanned spacecraft Voyager II.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Iraq Video

a. What is known as the "Cradle of Civilization"?Iraq
b. Where did these civilizations develop?Tigris&Euphrates
c. Recorded history in Iraq began with what group? Sumerians
d. What did the Mesopotamians build to collect water?dikes,cannals,and channels
e. Name 2 Mesopotamian cities. Ur, Uruk
f. What did crop surpluses do? allowed the population to expand.
g. Who lived at the temple? The King/ The High Priest
h. What was a "ziggurat"? temple
i. What were kings revered as? relatives of the gods on earth.
j. What is "cuneiform"? Sumerian writing form
k. What did they write on their clay tablets? (They kept records of what?) Symbols and kept records of history
l. What was the "Epic of Gilgamesh"? epic poem
m. Describe the "hanging gardens" of Babylon. they were famous throughout the world.
n. Who was King Hammurabi? What was Hammurabi's Code? private proteies and cimes
o. What did Mesopotamia leave a legacy of? law,legacy,enginereing.

geograph quiz(angelina)

7/10 and my grade was a 70%

Monday, August 17, 2009

Iraq Quiz

a. Fact 1 - Iraq is dominated by which 2 rivers?Tigris and Euphrates
b. Fact 2 - Rocky deserts cover about what percent of the land?
c. Fact 3 - Are their protected natural areas in Iraq?
d. Fact 4 - What species are at risk in Iraq?
Cheetahs, Wild goats, Dugongs
e. Fact 5 - Describe "carp" fish.
They can grow up to 300 pounds
f. Fact 6 - What's gone on in Iraq during the past 15 years?
It has witnessed two major wars
g. Fact 7 - What is Iraq's nickname?
cradle of civilization
h. Fact 8 - Who established the first known system of laws?
i. Fact 9 - When did Babylonian rule end?
539 B.C.
j. Fact 10 - When did Iraq become an independent country?1932
k. Fact 11 - What happened to Saddam Hussein?He was captured and tried for crimes again humanity and executed
l. Fact 12 - True or False: Iraq is one of the most culturally diverse nations.True
m. Fact 13 - Today, how many Iraqis can read/write?about 40percent
n. Fact 14 - When were Iraq's first democratic elections held?January 2005
o. Fact 15 - What does Iraq have the "world's second largest supply of"?oil
p. Fact 16 - What's the official name of Iraq? What is the capital city? How many people live there?Republic of Iraq, Baghdad, 26,783,383
q. Fact 17 - What is Iraq's money called?New Iraq Dinar

Geography Quiz Scores (tomara)

70% percent
test 123